Cleaning Tips for a Carpet Infested with Pinworms

Usually pinworms can be found in the intestinal tract. Anyone can suffer from a pinworm infestation, but most often elementary school-age children got infected. The eggs of these worms are sticky and can adhere to surfaces such as bedding, carpets, clothing and more soft materials. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether your carpet is infested with pinworms. However, in general, if a member of your family has pinworms, it is very likely the worms are already on your floor covering as well. So, in this article I will show you how to cope with this problem. Just take into account that it is not an instant process- actually it is quite long – a couple of weeks are needed for best results.

pinworms on the carpet

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How To Clean Your Glass, Mirrors & Windows

The common mistakes that we often do while cleaning shiny surfaces and how to avoid them by keeping simple tips in mind.

Honestly what is the first thing you do when you see a stain on a glass or spill something on it? Catch hold of the nearest cleaning paper or cloth or a waste cloth or whatever is available to your disposal. They might clear off the stain superficially, but consider taking a closer look, you will find that still there are some faint stains or perhaps even some light scratches caused by you because you had naively used a dirty cloth to just wipe of the surface! Continue reading

DIY Camper Project – It’s amazing what a couple did with it

Vintage Camper DIY Project

How do you like a little DIY ?

Personally I love all sorts of tinkering and DIY projects. I`ll make sure to share with you my next DIY gaming chair when it’s finished but until then – here’s another threat.

Check out what this couple did to this vintage camper.

1965 Serro Scotty Sportsman camper

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4 Natural Mosquito Repellents – A Simple How To

No one likes mosquitoes. Mosquito swarms could ruin your wild outdoor camping/hiking/parties. Trust me, I know it. As a person who loves to spend a lot of time in the wild I find it really irritating when you get bitten all over the body. Just imagine all the itching…. A real pain in the neck.

no mosquitoes

So today I will share with you some of my tricks to keep the mosquitoes away.

These are home-made repellent recipes for a spray, diffuser, a lotion and something else. All are tested and proven to work.

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Do it Yourself Hawaiian Fishing Spear

Hawaiian Fishing Spear

Homemade Hawaiian fishing spear

Hello all.

Today I`m going to share with you how to make a Hawaiian spear or as you might find it Hawaiian Sling Pole Spear.

This is NOT a toy. It is a DANGEROUS weapon. Use it with caution!

You will need a few things that can easily be found in almost every household.

  1. For the pole you can use an old fishing rod, an aluminium pole, an old skiing pole (2 or 3 of these) or just a bamboo/wooden staff.
  2. For the prongs/tip you can use anything from old bike spokes or long nails to any type of stainless steel shafts.
  3. For the sling/slingholder – a pair of slingshot bands (sold for about 3 to 5 quid). A big enough nut so the bands will fit.
  4. A few nuts and bolts along with welding/soldering equipment and epoxy. Some grip tape for the handle.

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